Kml Muzik

Studio and Web Site new look, all done for you!

Studio and Web Site new look, all done for you!

As you may have noticed, we have been refurbishing the studio and our Web Site this past period. In addition to being an independent label we offer services related to the world of music and entertainment. After years, we thought it was time to have a new look and new equipment.

The studio, inside the HAL5 in Amsterdam, is open to everyone. Email us and come visit us. The website has new pages, dedicated to the music we produce as a label, the Kml team and the outside services we offer. Not only that, but we also thought of creating a blog where we can keep you updated on all the news, productions and events. From today you can also find KML on LinkedIn, on Instagram and Facebook. Check out where to find us!

We cannot thank the Comdart team enough for digitizing us even more and helping us with our new image. As an independent label, we really hope to make a difference.

Be in touch!